Photo Gallery: Returning to Cody, Wyoming for Ice Climbing Adventures

Good temps and an opening in my schedule meant a return trip to Cody, Wyoming. Temps were perfect and ice was fat!

During 6 days of climbing with Jon and a number of other partners, we got in about 40 pitches, including 3 first ascents. When you add up the grades as points, we scored about 108. Not bad! Full tick list can be found at the bottom of this post.

Below are some selected photos from the week. Click on the images below for full screen and enjoy! All images © Mike Wilkinson.

Broken Hearts, 7 pitches. WI3, WI3, WI3, WI3, WI5 (Carotid Artery), WI5 (My Only Valentine), WI6.

Spotted Owl Sandwich, 3 pitches. WI3, WI3, WI3.
Hunter Creek Falls, WI5.

Pilot Creek M5, M7

1/10 - rest day!

Icefest, WI5.
Horse Tail Falls, WI5/6

Broken Hearts, 7 pitches. WI3, WI3, WI3, WI3, WI5 (Carotid Artery), WI4, WI3 (FA of pitches 8 and 9)
The Stent, 2 pitches. WI3, WI3. (FA)
Carotid Artery, pitch 2. WI3.

1/13 - rest day!

Aquaboogie, WI3 M4
Unknown Ice Route, WI3