Hoppin Around At Summer Beerfest 2013
What do you do when asked to shoot photos to document a microbrew beer festival? You pack your bag and ask where to park!
Shannon Kuchera is Communications Manager for the Michigan Brewers Guild
and also
happens to be an old friend of mine. She gets paid to tell people about tasty beer. It doesn't get much better than that.
Throngs of vendors, brewers, and semi-wasted common folk filtered into Riverside Park in Ypsilanti, Michigan on a pleasant summer day. With camera gear in hand, Jen Meunier and I did our rounds before having a few, if you know what I mean. The images I shot are for future marketing pieces, web use, and possibly some publications. The only things that could have made this gig better was if they had a cute puppy contest and needed some slow motion video of it.