Ascending India, A Documentary Film Project

About a year ago, I met with an climber friend of mine who happens to be originally from India. He pitched to me the idea of creating a film that highlighted the climbing areas in India. That seed grew, and eventually sprouted into a story about his quest to bring greater awareness and access to the rock climbing scene in India.

Today marked the first day of our official Kickstarter Project  for Ascending India. We've got a trailer, a Kickstarter video, had two shoots in Kentucky, and are planning to shoot footage in India for about two weeks this winter. The scope of this project really has potential to be huge, and we're super stoked to be a part of it! Jakob Skogheim and I are taking the lead, with myself Producing and Directing while Jakob does much of the shooting.

Here's the trailer: 

Stay tuned for more updates, as we will be releasing scenes from the film, behind the scenes videos, exclusive photos, outtakes, and more. And of course, if you'd like to support this project, check out our Kickstarter.